
Thursday 20 December 2012


As referred to Lee (2012), the sex education provided for the teenagers in Malaysia is limited. The sex education in Malaysia is still in infancy (Mysinchew 2012). After we completed our research, we would like to suggest two ways to prevent teen pregnancy. School and parents play an important role on prevention of teenage pregnancy issues. 

Firstly, the sex and HIV education program should be provided in school for the teenagers. In these education program, there are several information can be provided and explained for the teenagers. As referred to the previous study done by Kirby (1999), it proved that the sex and HIV education program has potential to delay the initiation of sex and reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy issues. Therefore, the sex and HIV program is an effective means for teenage pregnancy prevention. For instant, the education should talk about the physical aspects such as menstruation and knowledge on human body. 

Besides that, our research also revealed that most of our respondents are not familiar with the contraception and it may have significant impact on the risk of teenage pregnancy. Therefore, the information about pregnancy should be discussed in detail for the teenagers. As referred to Lee (2012), some of the teenagers are still believed in kissing will lead to pregnant. Moreover, it is essential for teenagers to understand the importance of using birth control. Thus, the information on birth control and contraceptives items should be explained to the teenagers as well. For example, the demonstrations of proper way of using contraception should be demonstrated for the teenagers in the education programs in order to increase the awareness of using contraception as well as reduce the pregnancy rate. 

Secondly, parents also play a significant role in this issue. According to Ryan (2012), parents should provide a proper sex education for teens and educate them to be responsible for every action taken before they choose to intercourse. However, many of them may find it difficult and awkward to discuss the subject with their children. The parents may miss out the opportunity of establishing a close relationship with their children. Besides, the best approach of sex education is begins naturally and casually provided to the teenagers. It is appropriate for parents to provide sex education for children start from the age of 13 when they are most sexually curious. Therefore, the parents should remove the communication barrier with their children and maintain an open relationship with their children by explaining and providing a proper sex education. By doing so, it may directly reduce the sexual risk-taking behavior of the teenagers if parents communicate with them about sexuality and convey accurate information as well as express their own values and beliefs about sex. 

According to the National Campaign reports, it shows parents have the possibility to influence their children in love, sex and relationship decisions. So, parents should provide sex education for their children, in order to have a proper mindset about sex for their children. Besides that, the parents should explain the consequences of teenage pregnancy for their children. It is important for children to acknowledge the bad consequences of teenage pregnancy. The children will avoid themselves in teenage pregnancy issue if they know the bad consequences associated with pregnant in teenage age. 


There are some limitations we face when conducting on this research. The limitations are stated below: 

Lack of qualitative data 

In our research, we are using survey questionnaire to gather information from our respondents. The method of survey questionnaire is focus on more quantitative information. Most of the questions that we asked in the questionnaire are those closed ended and rating questions which cause our information collected lack of in-depth knowledge and reliability. For instance, in our questionnaire, we only ask the respondents to choose their most preferred food and beverage in helping us to determine the influence of western culture on them. However, such questions are not really able to reveal the extent of influence of western culture on the respondents. The information that we gathered is not strong enough to prove the influence of western culture on the risk of teenage pregnancy. 

Time constraint 

After conducting our research, we noticed that time constraint is our major limitation in our research. We are required to go for several different locations such as Kepong, Jalan Amang and Bukit Bintang to collect our data that aid in our research from our targeted population. Our target population is those teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18. Sometimes, it is hard to find the targeted population in those areas to conduct survey with us. Therefore, we are required to go for the same places several times to complete the survey. 

Besides that, our sampling method is adopted to convenience sampling method due to the limited time and convenience. Therefore, most of the questionnaires are distributed in group. The information that respondents provided may lack of validity. This is because the respondents may be influenced by others when answering our questionnaire. For instant, in our questionnaire, we have a question that requires respondents to rate the reason that leads to teenage pregnancy. In this situation, the respondents may have the tendency to follow other respondent’s way to answer our questionnaire. 

Sensitive questions in the questionnaire 

In order to gather the information to determine the level of consumption of pornography and knowledge of contraceptives of the respondents, there are several sensitive questions will be asked such as sex based and pornography related questions. In this situation, it will threaten the validity of the data obtained. For example, there is one question asking the respondents to state the pornography movies that they have been watched before. In this case, the respondents might provide false data in order to avoid embarrassment among their friends as the more movies they choose it will indicate that they blue-minded. As a result, they might not be willing to reveal accurate data as the questions are too privacy. 

Willingness of respondents to answer the questionnaire 

Lastly, there is another limitation occurred when conducting the survey. We noticed that some of the respondents were not willing to conduct survey with us due to some reasons. Firstly, as our target group is teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18, we noticed that some of them refused to conduct survey with us because they are afraid of deceive and abduction since there were a lot of similar cases happened in Malaysia. Moreover, some of the respondents were giving time rushing as their excuse for not conducting the survey with us.


As a conclusion, our model is accepted which is the influence of western culture and consumption of pornography has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy since it shown significant in both ANOVA tables. Therefore, our hypotheses which are H1 for each model are accepted.

Besides that, the research objective that mentioned in the introduction is met. Firstly, the influence of western culture and consumption of pornography has contributed risk on teenage pregnancy. Secondly, we are able to come out a solution to this problem. The solution will be discussed in the next post.  


Based on the finding, it revealed that most of the teenagers chosen burger as their most preferred food compared with others food such as porridge, noodles, bread and chicken chop. It gets the highest percentage among others food which is 40%. Besides that, another similar finding also revealed that most of the teenagers chosen beer as their most preferred celebration beverage when they celebrating events compared with others beverage such as mineral water, soft drink and juice. Burger and beer is considered the most western style of food and beverage among those choices that stated above. This finding indicates that teenagers nowadays are influenced by western culture regardless of food and beverage. This finding is consistent with earlier studies conducted by LJayne (2003) and Hanani Harun and Zulkifli Hasan (2008), in which the teenagers are influenced by western culture.

Besides that, the influence of western culture by consuming beer will subsequently increase the risk of teenage pregnancy. The consumption of beer could increase the possibility of sexual intercourse in between teenagers. If the teenagers who drank too much of alcohol without controlling, they may end up with sexual intercourse and causes unwanted pregnancy. This finding is also parallel with the two studies done by Sen (2002) and Crytal (2012) in which they argues that the teenagers who drank too much of alcohol without controlling will end up with involved in sexual activity which causes unwanted pregnancy. As a result, it increases the risk of teenage pregnancy.

Moreover, based on the cross-tabulation’s result (Appendix 7), we noticed that the most of respondents have high consumption level of pornography. For this discussion, we have classified two ranges to identify the level of consumption of pornography of teenagers. For the respondents who fall into the range of 1-7 is considered low consumption of pornography level. Whereas, for the respondents who fall into the range of 8-15 is considered high consumption of pornography level. Based on the result gathered, there is 31% of the respondents fall into the range of 1-7 which is low consumption of pornography level. Besides, there are 69% of respondents achieved the range of 8-15 which is high consumption of pornography level. The more the teenagers consume sexual contents materials the higher the possibility to be involved in pregnancy due to curiosity. The teenagers who consumed sexual related materials such as sexual contents movie may have the tendency to be involved in sexual activity due to his curiosity and subsequently, it may increase the risk of unwanted pregnancy. This has been proven in the earlier study done by Nauert (2008) in which the teenagers may have higher possibility to be involved in pregnancy as they consumed a lot of sexual contents material. Besides that, it had also been proven in the two similar previous studies by Silong (2009) and Traeen (1996) in which the curiosity of teenagers towards sexual desire will cause unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, we can conclude that the consumption of pornography has effect on the risk on teenage pregnancy.

In addition, our finding also revealed the significant information that the knowledge of teenagers about contraception is unreasonable low. In other words, the teenagers are not knowledgeable of contraceptive items. In our survey questionnaire, there are 5 different types of contraceptive items is provided such as contraceptive pills, female condoms, male condoms, the patch and nuva-ring for the respondents to choose those item they are familiar. But surprisingly the result revealed that there are only 29% of them are familiar with more than 4 contraceptive items and there are 71% of the respondents are familiar with less than 3 contraceptive items some of them are even are totally not knowledgeable with one of the items.

As you can see, the knowledge of contraception of teenagers is ridicules low. This may because they received limited sex education from school or parents with consistent with the previous study done by Lee (2012) in which the comprehensive sex education provided for teenagers is considered low and they have very few opportunity to being taught by their parent on this aspect. Therefore, the effect should be made in order to improve the teenagers’ contraceptive knowledge. In addition, the less knowledge about sex and contraception of the teenagers may probably increase the risk of teenage pregnancy. This have been proven by the earlier study that conducted by Kirby (1999), in which the less knowledge about sex, contraception, and sexuality of teenagers are more generally increase sexual risk taking behavior.

Furthermore, based on the cross tabulation’s results, we could conclude that the influence of western culture has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy. This has been proven when we conduct the linear regression for types of food and beverage with knowledge of contraceptive items. Based on the findings, the regressions (Appendix 9) show a significant value of 0.025 which is smaller than the standard value 0.05. This indicates that the independent variable which is types of food and beverage does explain the variation in the dependent variable of knowledge of contraceptive items. Therefore, it shows that our research model is significant and there is a relationship between influence of western culture and teenage pregnancy. The hypothesis (H1) for IV1 is accepted. The influence of western culture has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy.

Lastly, based on another cross tabulation’s results, we could also conclude that the consumption of pornography has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy. This has been proven when we carry out the linear regression for types of pornography movie with knowledge of contraceptive items. Based on the findings, the regressions (Appendix 11) show a significant value of 0.001 which is smaller than the standard value 0.05. This indicates that the independent variable which is types of pornography movies does explain the variation in the dependent variable of knowledge of contraceptive items. In other words, our research model is significant and there is a relationship between consumption of pornography and teenage pregnancy. The hypothesis (H1) for IV2 is accepted which is the consumption of pornography has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy.

Data Analysis

Cross Tabulation

We have carried out cross-tabulation for several variables of our questionnaires to interpret our finding that we gathered from our respondents. There are two cross-tabulation is carried out to identify the influence of western culture on teenagers. Firstly, we have cross tabulated types of food with age range (Appendix 1). The types of food include burger, chicken chop, bread, noodles and porridge. Based on the cross tabulation’s results, it shows that 1.0% of the respondents between the age of 13 to 18 choose porridge as their most preferred food, 5.0% of them choose noodles, 5.0% of them choose bread, 26.0% of them choose chicken chop and 40.0% of them choose burger. Besides that, 2.0% of them with the age of 19 and above choose porridge, 2.0 % of them choose noodles, 10.0% of them choose chicken chop and there are 9.0% of them choose burger as their most preferred food. However, none of them choose bread as their most preferred food.

Besides that, we have also carried out another cross tabulation between types of beverage with gender and age range to determine the influence of western culture (Appendix 3). As referred to the results, it reveals that 3.0% of the respondents between the ages of 13 to 18 choose mineral water as their preferred celebration beverage, 14.0% choose soft drinks, .23.0% of then choose juice. Besides that, there are 29.0% of respondents between the ages of 13 to 18 choose beer and 8.0% of them choose liquor as their preferred celebration beverage. In addition, for the respondents with the age of 19 and above, 1.0% of them choose mineral water, 2.0% choose soft drink, 6.0% of them choose juice, 10.0% of them choose beer and 4.0% of them choose liquor.

Moreover, in order to know the level of consumption of pornography among the teenagers between the age ranges of 13 to 18, another cross tabulation is carried out between the sum of question 6 and 8 and the age range (Appendix 7). As referred to the results, there are 7.0% of them scored for 1 point. Besides that, there is no respondent scored for 2 points. In addition, there are 1.0% of them scored for 3 points, 1.0% scored for 4 points, 9.0% scored for 5 points, 6.0% of them scored for 6 points. However, there are none of the respondents scored for 7 points. Furthermore, there are 3.0% of respondents scored for 8 points, 5.0% of them scored for 9 points, 15.0% of them scored for 10 points, 3.0% of them scored for 11 points. Additionally, there are 3.0% of the respondents scored for 12 points, 5.0% of them scored for 13 points, 2.0% of them scored for 14 points and there are 17.0% of them scored for full points which are 15 points. 

Lastly, we have also carried out another cross-tabulation with age range against the types of contraceptive items in order to identify the knowledge of contraceptive items of the respondents. As referred to the cross-tabulation result (Appendix 5), it shows that there are 1.0% of the respondents between the ages of 13 to 18 are totally not familiar with the contraceptive items. In addition, there are 25.0% of the them are familiar with 1 item, 34.0% of are familiar with 2 items, 14.0% of them are familiar with 3 items, 3.0% of them familiar with 4 items and there are only 4.0% of the respondents are familiar with all of the 5 contraceptive items stated in the questionnaire. 

On the other hand, for the respondents with the age of 19 and above there are 4.0% of them familiar with 1 contraceptive item, 11.0% of them familiar with 2 items, and 7.0% of them familiar with 3 items. Besides that, there are none of them are familiar with 4 contraceptive items and 1.0% of them familiar with all of the 5 contraceptive items provided in the questionnaire. 

Linear regression 

On the other hand, we have also conducted linear regression for types of food and beverage (IV1) and knowledge of contraceptive items (DV). Based on the ANOVA table (Appendix 9), the value of F statistic which is 5.190 is the regression mean square divided by the residual mean square which is 5.268/1.015. The significant value of the F statistic is 0.025, which is smaller than the standard value, 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that the independent variable, which is types of beverage and food do explain the variation in the dependent variable which is knowledge of contraceptive items.

The value of R is 0.224. Besides that, the value of R2 which is 0.050 represents how much of the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable. By referring to the table in (Appendix 9), only 5% of the dependent variable can be explained by independent variable. As referred to the coefficients table, it provides the information on each predictor variable. Both of the constant and types of beverage and food variables are significant to the model as their significant value is less than 0.05. Therefore, we are able to make an equation as follow: 

Risk of Teenage Pregnancy = 1.038 + (0.146 x Types of beverage and food) 

Moreover, we have also conducted linear regression for pornography movie (IV2) and knowledge of contraceptive items (DV). Based on the ANOVA table (Appendix 11), the value of F statistic which is 11.027 is the regression mean square divided by the residual mean square which is 10.594/0.961. The significant value of the F statistic is 0.001, which is smaller than the standard value, 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that the independent variable, which is pornography movie do explain the variation in the dependent variable which is the knowledge of contraceptive items. 

The value of R is 0.318. Besides that, the value of R2 which is 0.101 represents how much of the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable. By referring to the table in (Appendix 11), only 10.1% of the dependent variable can be explained by independent variable. As referred to the coefficients table, it provides the information on each predictor variable. Both of the constant and pornography movie variables are significant to the model as their significant value is less than 0.05. Therefore, we are able to generate an equation as follow: 

Risk of Teenage Pregnancy= 1.340+ (0.090 x Pornography Movie) 

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Establishment of survey questionnaire

We are required to develop our survey questionnaires that is related to our topic in this process in order to collect data.

In this process, we are needed to design the questions to test our IV(Consumption of Pornography & Influence of Western Culture) and DV (Teenage Pregnancy).

After had several discussions with the group members, we have successfully developed several questions for the survey questionnaire. Besides that, Mr Stephen were also there to help us to develop some relevant questions for our group. 

The  picture above shows consists of 10 question which are used to further examine our IV-(Influence of western culture & consumption of pornography) and DV- Risk of teenage pregnancy. 
There are 3 demographic questions to be asked in the questionnaire, which are gender, age rage and types of occupation. Besides, there are 11 questions also to be set in the questionnaire to collect data which related to our IV and DV. 

In order to make the survey questionnaire process to be conducted more interesting, the card games method will be used. 

For example, we will print out several singers including Western and Asian singers to let our target group to rank their favourite singer in order to test the IV- The influence of Western culture on teenagers. Besides, we will also print out some movies which consist of sex topic to test the IV- the consumption of pornography.

The pictures below is our completed survey question sample.

Methods of measure the DV and IV

In this stage, we are required to develop the methods to measure our Independent Variable  and Dependent Variable. 
The purpose of doing this is to find out the means that we could collect the reverent date from certain fields. For example, we could get our dependent variable data ( Teenage Pregnancy) from the number of birth report in the hospital. Besides, this process is also to aids in the establishment of survey questionnaire process.

The picture below is our means to measure the IV and DV.

After that, we are required to develop a survey questionnaire which not more than 20 questions to test our hypotheses. 

Before developing the survey questionnaire question, we are needed to identify the target group and locations which we could collect the date from.

Our target group are those teenagers who are couple which holding a can of beer.   
After having several discussions with the group members, we are finally identified the locations that we wanted to collect data.

The locations will be listed in the picture below.

 After identifying the locations, our group members were assigned the location to carry out the survey. 

Yuan Ting will be going to Kepong western food areas and cinema to distribute and conduct survey questionnaire. 

Chun Lim will be going to Wangsa Maju( western food areas & Cinema) and Genting Kelang (western food areas& Cinema) to conduct the survey. 

Yee Lin will be going to Jalan Ampang western food areas and cinema to conduct survey.

 Pui Yin will be going to Bukit Bingtang(Cinema) and Bandar Sunway (Western food areas) to conduct the survey. 

According to the requirement set by Mr Stephen, we are needed to distribute 100 survey questionnaire to our targeted group at those locations that we identified. Each of the group members were distributed 25 pieces of survey questionnaire form to carry out the survey.      

Analysis of hypotheses result

There are 4 questions were posted on our Facebook page to test the public response on our topic.

The question are listed below:

Do you think a family with teenage birth history will affect their child to be premarital pregnancy?
There are 20 respondents responded 'Yes' in this question and 15 respondents responded 'No'

In your opinion, what is the age range for teenage pregnancy?
For this question, we have provide 3 choices for the respondents which are 11 years old and below, 12-15 years old, and 16-19 years old. 
There are 10 respondents vote for 12-15 years old, 28 respondents vote for 16-19 years old. However, there are 0 respondent vote for 11 years old and below.

Do you receive any sex education during school time?
There are 19 respondents responded 'Yes' they receive sex education during school time yet there are 16 respondents responded 'No'.

Do you think there is direct relation between child abuse and teenage pregnancy?
There are 23 responded 'Yes' that there is direct relationship between child abuse and teenage pregnancy and 12 respondents responded 'No'. 

Saturday 10 November 2012

The time frame of assignment

Today our group were required to crate the time frame of the process of our assignment. 

Before we begin to start on our time frame, Mr Stephen was there to guide and explain us clearly on how the time frame should look like and what components be should included in the list.  
We were required to identify the duration that we have worked on for each of the components such as develop proposal, literature review, check hypothesis and etc. and which member that participated on the particular activity in this time frame.

After the explanation of Mr Stephen, we begun to work on our time frame.
We identified the day we have been worked on and the member who in charged for each of the session.

After we successfully listed down the components for the time frame, we were required to draw a chart.

Pui Yin was drawing the time frame chart of our assignment.

The pictures below are the completed time frame and chart. 

Creation of Hypotheses

Hello guys! 
One of our missions today were to create some hypotheses that regard our topic " Teenage Pregnancy". 

The hypotheses are created depending on Independent Variable(IV).

The picture below is our hypotheses.

In addition, we were required to open a Facebook page in this stage in order to test out our hypotheses effectively. 
Therefore, we were created our Facebook page and named "Business Research: Teenage Pregnancy" as the page title. 
Besides that, we also created a Twitter account for our assignment. 
The Facebook page and Twitter links are listed below: 

Do follow and visit us on our page! ;)

Friday 9 November 2012

Literature Review

We are required to read 100 literature review that regards to our research model.

The picture below is our research model.

The literature review provides the understanding of facts that have been previously proven by the other researcher. There are many journals have been written by researchers regarding the relationship between the influence of western culture or consumption of pornography and teenage pregnancy. Besides, there are also journals that write about the reasons that lead to teenage pregnancy.

Teen Pregnancy
According to Soon (2012), it points out the issue of teen birth is rising in Malaysia and there is at least one case per day. In addition, as referred to Lee (2012), there is lack of comprehensive sex education provided for the teenagers in Malaysia. A survey was conducted among teenagers revealed that, the teenagers in Malaysia learn about the sex mostly from friends, magazines, movie, pop songs, and the Internet but very few of them have the opportunity to being taught by their parents on this aspect. Besides that, according to East (2007), the young women who have family history of teenage births will have a higher possible rate to end up with teenage pregnancy Meanwhile, East (2007) also states that teenager with family members who has been experienced in teen birth will be more likely to be influenced. The way parents transmit “family value” will affect the growth of the teenager (Halstead 1999).

Childhood sexual abuse does not have a direct linkage towards the causes of teenage pregnancy (Witwer 1997). However, the percentage of unmarried and married teenager gave birth to babies has increases, as well as increases in child abused by teenage mother (Baumrind 1994). Widom (1996) also argues that children who has experienced of abusing and neglecting may increase the person’s risk of teenage pregnancy. But, sexually precocious and failure to use contraceptive may be the major contribution to teenage pregnancy (Roosa 1997)

In addition, a teenager who came from extreme poverty situation and low education family background will have higher to be pregnant (Anonymous 1998). Bissell (2000) also argues the female who became teen mothers are more likely to be socio-economically disadvantaged because they are less likely to complete their education which leads to engagement in low income job as well as experience single parenthood and poverty.

Ronette (2001) argues on the possible of continuous misleading of roles and responsibilities are high in teenage mother. Furthermore, teenage mothers are more likely to repeat pregnancy in a rapid pace (Raneri 2007). Pregnant teenagers would send away their child for adoption or forced into a marriage rather than becoming a single mother (Cleary 2000).

Sex education has created a causal relationship towards teenager’s sexual behaviour (Oettinger 1999).  According to Laura (2006), it points out that sex education does not provide teenagers with sufficient information on the instruction of using birth control item. In addition, according to Kirby (1999), stated that the less knowledge about sex, contraception, and sexuality are more generally increase teen sexual risk taking behavior and increase teen pregnancy rates. 

Western Culture       
Western culture is defined as the culture and lifestyle of European countries, such as United States (Zimmermann 2012). According to Hanani Harun and Zulkifli Hasan (2008), they mentioned that the effects of globalization may influence the teenagers in Malaysia in term of their lifestyle, character and level of intellectual. Besides that, according to Ljayne (2003) also motioned that the young of Malaysia and Thailand are influenced by western culture and the national cultural of the country will soon be forgotten. According to Nor Shahid Mohd Nor (2011), Malaysia has banned some of the western artistes from entering the country to held performance, such as Avril Lavigne, Madonna and Britney Spears. The reason of not allowing these artistes to perform in Malaysia is western pop culture has negative influence towards the youngsters, which increase the risk of moral decay.

Furthermore, according to Meschke (2000), America has higher ranking of teenage pregnancy due to unprotected sex. England has higher rate of teenage pregnancy than Japan, 28.4% and 3.9% of all births respectively (Lewis 2009). Besides, the consumption of alcohol could increase the possibility of sexual intercourse in between teenagers (Sen 2002).  Furthermore, Schwanke (2012) argues that female teenagers who drank too much of alcohol without controlling themselves will end up with sexual intercourse and causes unwanted pregnancy. Besides, teens do not realize the seriousness of ignoring academic and involving themselves in alcohol and drugs, which could cause teenage intercourse and pregnancy (Kathleen 2012).  Moreover, female teenagers who were in early maturing have the potential to involve themselves in sexual intercourse, which leads them to teen pregnancy (Deardorff & Gonzales 2005). 

Consumption of pornography
According to Mthembu (2012), it shows there were 11600 of child pornography Internet searches daily. Teenager has the higher possibility to be involved in pregnancy as they consumed a lot of sexual contents from television shows and programmes (Nauert 2008). Besides that, Silong (2009) argues that one of the greatest reasons that cause teenage pregnancy is due to curiosity in teenagers. SaeNgian (2008) mentions the hip-hop has become sexualisation and produces pornography, has negative influences towards the teenagers. Research has found that curiosity and excitement of teenagers towards sexual desire will cause unwanted pregnancy (Traeen & Kvalem 1996). Moreover, researcher identifies males were more likely to explore sexual information through the Internet due access of sexual content in pop-ups and junk mail messages (Nosko 2007).  Indeed, Jochen (2006) argues that the number of male teenagers viewing online sexual material is higher than female teenagers, which is more likely to have attitudes toward sex. Indeed, Barkacs (2010) states that teenagers were involves in sending sexually photographs over the cell-phones. In other words, the teenagers are viewing pornography materials which subsequently will increase the risk of teenage pregnancy. 

Monday 29 October 2012

The model of IV,DV,MV & IVV

Today Mr Stephen taught us the model of relationship of variable types. 
There are different types of variables such as  independent variable (IV), dependent variable(DV), moderating variable(MV) and Intervening Variables (IVV). 
After that, we were requested to draw a similar model for our topic. 

We were facing some difficulties to generate our model because we were confused with the MV and IVV variables.
 But luckily Mr Stephen was there to help our group up to explain more detail on this model. 

In this stage, it took us some time to complete the model especially for the moderating variable(MV) and Intervening Variables (IVV).  We need to spend some time to investigate about the issues that can be used for those variables. 

The model of our topic.

Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal

Hi all! 

We were heading to the forth stage of our Business Research assignment.
In this stage, we were required to categorize the ideas from the mind map we did in the previous stage into three categories such as exploratory, descriptive and causal researches.
After some discussions with the group members, we decided to change our focus from "Low Sex Education" to  "Teenage Pregnancy". 

We were using colourful sticky notes to categorise our ideas into the 3 components and stick it on the mahjong paper provided by Mr Stephen.

All of the group members were having fun in this stage.

We've contributed a lot of ideas and work together to stick our ideas by using those colourful notes on the Mahjong paper.
After that, we sought for advice from Mr Stephen.
We had a short discussion with Mr Stephen. He has further explained this technique to us and corrected our points that have been placed wrongly.   

After the short discussion with Mr Stephen, our group have had a clearer picture of this technique and we were started to reorganise the points and stick it on the collect category.
Besides, we were also required to do Literature Review regarding to our points.  
Each of the group will be required to come out with 100 Literature Review from the online resources.

Mind mapping 2: Low sex education

Today we are required to select a topic that we have created from the second brainstorming session to narrow down the topic of studied. 
We did discussion on which idea should be narrow down. 
After that, our group were selected the " Low Sex Education " as our next topic to brainstorm. 
This is because we found that low sex education is one of the serious issue in the current society.

We've started our brainstorming session at CITC after the class. 
Each of us has tried our best to contributed more ideas into it.
Finally, we managed to finish our mind mapping within 3 hours. o(^_^)o

 Here is the outcome of our "Low Sex Education" mind map.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Mind mapping session 1: Festival

Hi all!
Today, Why Why group were asked to focus on 1 issue that choose from the 103 ideas that we generated in the first session (refer to older post) and do it in a mind-map form for further investigation purpose.
In this session, we were required to create 100 links based on the topic we've chosen.

We chose "Festival" as our topic in this session.
We've created many links that is related to "Festival", such as the types of festival and the impact of having Festival.

However, we were unable to complete the mind map on time at the beginning of this session,
We found it difficult because we were lack of ideas to create linkage to Festival.
Due to that, each of our members will have to do more research on this topic at home.
Besides, we also had a group discussion on this topic after class on the next day.

Therefore, it took us 2 days to complete our mind map.