
Thursday 20 December 2012


There are some limitations we face when conducting on this research. The limitations are stated below: 

Lack of qualitative data 

In our research, we are using survey questionnaire to gather information from our respondents. The method of survey questionnaire is focus on more quantitative information. Most of the questions that we asked in the questionnaire are those closed ended and rating questions which cause our information collected lack of in-depth knowledge and reliability. For instance, in our questionnaire, we only ask the respondents to choose their most preferred food and beverage in helping us to determine the influence of western culture on them. However, such questions are not really able to reveal the extent of influence of western culture on the respondents. The information that we gathered is not strong enough to prove the influence of western culture on the risk of teenage pregnancy. 

Time constraint 

After conducting our research, we noticed that time constraint is our major limitation in our research. We are required to go for several different locations such as Kepong, Jalan Amang and Bukit Bintang to collect our data that aid in our research from our targeted population. Our target population is those teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18. Sometimes, it is hard to find the targeted population in those areas to conduct survey with us. Therefore, we are required to go for the same places several times to complete the survey. 

Besides that, our sampling method is adopted to convenience sampling method due to the limited time and convenience. Therefore, most of the questionnaires are distributed in group. The information that respondents provided may lack of validity. This is because the respondents may be influenced by others when answering our questionnaire. For instant, in our questionnaire, we have a question that requires respondents to rate the reason that leads to teenage pregnancy. In this situation, the respondents may have the tendency to follow other respondent’s way to answer our questionnaire. 

Sensitive questions in the questionnaire 

In order to gather the information to determine the level of consumption of pornography and knowledge of contraceptives of the respondents, there are several sensitive questions will be asked such as sex based and pornography related questions. In this situation, it will threaten the validity of the data obtained. For example, there is one question asking the respondents to state the pornography movies that they have been watched before. In this case, the respondents might provide false data in order to avoid embarrassment among their friends as the more movies they choose it will indicate that they blue-minded. As a result, they might not be willing to reveal accurate data as the questions are too privacy. 

Willingness of respondents to answer the questionnaire 

Lastly, there is another limitation occurred when conducting the survey. We noticed that some of the respondents were not willing to conduct survey with us due to some reasons. Firstly, as our target group is teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18, we noticed that some of them refused to conduct survey with us because they are afraid of deceive and abduction since there were a lot of similar cases happened in Malaysia. Moreover, some of the respondents were giving time rushing as their excuse for not conducting the survey with us.

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