
Monday 29 October 2012

Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal

Hi all! 

We were heading to the forth stage of our Business Research assignment.
In this stage, we were required to categorize the ideas from the mind map we did in the previous stage into three categories such as exploratory, descriptive and causal researches.
After some discussions with the group members, we decided to change our focus from "Low Sex Education" to  "Teenage Pregnancy". 

We were using colourful sticky notes to categorise our ideas into the 3 components and stick it on the mahjong paper provided by Mr Stephen.

All of the group members were having fun in this stage.

We've contributed a lot of ideas and work together to stick our ideas by using those colourful notes on the Mahjong paper.
After that, we sought for advice from Mr Stephen.
We had a short discussion with Mr Stephen. He has further explained this technique to us and corrected our points that have been placed wrongly.   

After the short discussion with Mr Stephen, our group have had a clearer picture of this technique and we were started to reorganise the points and stick it on the collect category.
Besides, we were also required to do Literature Review regarding to our points.  
Each of the group will be required to come out with 100 Literature Review from the online resources.

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