
Thursday 20 December 2012


Based on the finding, it revealed that most of the teenagers chosen burger as their most preferred food compared with others food such as porridge, noodles, bread and chicken chop. It gets the highest percentage among others food which is 40%. Besides that, another similar finding also revealed that most of the teenagers chosen beer as their most preferred celebration beverage when they celebrating events compared with others beverage such as mineral water, soft drink and juice. Burger and beer is considered the most western style of food and beverage among those choices that stated above. This finding indicates that teenagers nowadays are influenced by western culture regardless of food and beverage. This finding is consistent with earlier studies conducted by LJayne (2003) and Hanani Harun and Zulkifli Hasan (2008), in which the teenagers are influenced by western culture.

Besides that, the influence of western culture by consuming beer will subsequently increase the risk of teenage pregnancy. The consumption of beer could increase the possibility of sexual intercourse in between teenagers. If the teenagers who drank too much of alcohol without controlling, they may end up with sexual intercourse and causes unwanted pregnancy. This finding is also parallel with the two studies done by Sen (2002) and Crytal (2012) in which they argues that the teenagers who drank too much of alcohol without controlling will end up with involved in sexual activity which causes unwanted pregnancy. As a result, it increases the risk of teenage pregnancy.

Moreover, based on the cross-tabulation’s result (Appendix 7), we noticed that the most of respondents have high consumption level of pornography. For this discussion, we have classified two ranges to identify the level of consumption of pornography of teenagers. For the respondents who fall into the range of 1-7 is considered low consumption of pornography level. Whereas, for the respondents who fall into the range of 8-15 is considered high consumption of pornography level. Based on the result gathered, there is 31% of the respondents fall into the range of 1-7 which is low consumption of pornography level. Besides, there are 69% of respondents achieved the range of 8-15 which is high consumption of pornography level. The more the teenagers consume sexual contents materials the higher the possibility to be involved in pregnancy due to curiosity. The teenagers who consumed sexual related materials such as sexual contents movie may have the tendency to be involved in sexual activity due to his curiosity and subsequently, it may increase the risk of unwanted pregnancy. This has been proven in the earlier study done by Nauert (2008) in which the teenagers may have higher possibility to be involved in pregnancy as they consumed a lot of sexual contents material. Besides that, it had also been proven in the two similar previous studies by Silong (2009) and Traeen (1996) in which the curiosity of teenagers towards sexual desire will cause unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, we can conclude that the consumption of pornography has effect on the risk on teenage pregnancy.

In addition, our finding also revealed the significant information that the knowledge of teenagers about contraception is unreasonable low. In other words, the teenagers are not knowledgeable of contraceptive items. In our survey questionnaire, there are 5 different types of contraceptive items is provided such as contraceptive pills, female condoms, male condoms, the patch and nuva-ring for the respondents to choose those item they are familiar. But surprisingly the result revealed that there are only 29% of them are familiar with more than 4 contraceptive items and there are 71% of the respondents are familiar with less than 3 contraceptive items some of them are even are totally not knowledgeable with one of the items.

As you can see, the knowledge of contraception of teenagers is ridicules low. This may because they received limited sex education from school or parents with consistent with the previous study done by Lee (2012) in which the comprehensive sex education provided for teenagers is considered low and they have very few opportunity to being taught by their parent on this aspect. Therefore, the effect should be made in order to improve the teenagers’ contraceptive knowledge. In addition, the less knowledge about sex and contraception of the teenagers may probably increase the risk of teenage pregnancy. This have been proven by the earlier study that conducted by Kirby (1999), in which the less knowledge about sex, contraception, and sexuality of teenagers are more generally increase sexual risk taking behavior.

Furthermore, based on the cross tabulation’s results, we could conclude that the influence of western culture has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy. This has been proven when we conduct the linear regression for types of food and beverage with knowledge of contraceptive items. Based on the findings, the regressions (Appendix 9) show a significant value of 0.025 which is smaller than the standard value 0.05. This indicates that the independent variable which is types of food and beverage does explain the variation in the dependent variable of knowledge of contraceptive items. Therefore, it shows that our research model is significant and there is a relationship between influence of western culture and teenage pregnancy. The hypothesis (H1) for IV1 is accepted. The influence of western culture has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy.

Lastly, based on another cross tabulation’s results, we could also conclude that the consumption of pornography has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy. This has been proven when we carry out the linear regression for types of pornography movie with knowledge of contraceptive items. Based on the findings, the regressions (Appendix 11) show a significant value of 0.001 which is smaller than the standard value 0.05. This indicates that the independent variable which is types of pornography movies does explain the variation in the dependent variable of knowledge of contraceptive items. In other words, our research model is significant and there is a relationship between consumption of pornography and teenage pregnancy. The hypothesis (H1) for IV2 is accepted which is the consumption of pornography has effect on the risk of teenage pregnancy.

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