
Monday 29 October 2012

The model of IV,DV,MV & IVV

Today Mr Stephen taught us the model of relationship of variable types. 
There are different types of variables such as  independent variable (IV), dependent variable(DV), moderating variable(MV) and Intervening Variables (IVV). 
After that, we were requested to draw a similar model for our topic. 

We were facing some difficulties to generate our model because we were confused with the MV and IVV variables.
 But luckily Mr Stephen was there to help our group up to explain more detail on this model. 

In this stage, it took us some time to complete the model especially for the moderating variable(MV) and Intervening Variables (IVV).  We need to spend some time to investigate about the issues that can be used for those variables. 

The model of our topic.

Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal

Hi all! 

We were heading to the forth stage of our Business Research assignment.
In this stage, we were required to categorize the ideas from the mind map we did in the previous stage into three categories such as exploratory, descriptive and causal researches.
After some discussions with the group members, we decided to change our focus from "Low Sex Education" to  "Teenage Pregnancy". 

We were using colourful sticky notes to categorise our ideas into the 3 components and stick it on the mahjong paper provided by Mr Stephen.

All of the group members were having fun in this stage.

We've contributed a lot of ideas and work together to stick our ideas by using those colourful notes on the Mahjong paper.
After that, we sought for advice from Mr Stephen.
We had a short discussion with Mr Stephen. He has further explained this technique to us and corrected our points that have been placed wrongly.   

After the short discussion with Mr Stephen, our group have had a clearer picture of this technique and we were started to reorganise the points and stick it on the collect category.
Besides, we were also required to do Literature Review regarding to our points.  
Each of the group will be required to come out with 100 Literature Review from the online resources.

Mind mapping 2: Low sex education

Today we are required to select a topic that we have created from the second brainstorming session to narrow down the topic of studied. 
We did discussion on which idea should be narrow down. 
After that, our group were selected the " Low Sex Education " as our next topic to brainstorm. 
This is because we found that low sex education is one of the serious issue in the current society.

We've started our brainstorming session at CITC after the class. 
Each of us has tried our best to contributed more ideas into it.
Finally, we managed to finish our mind mapping within 3 hours. o(^_^)o

 Here is the outcome of our "Low Sex Education" mind map.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Mind mapping session 1: Festival

Hi all!
Today, Why Why group were asked to focus on 1 issue that choose from the 103 ideas that we generated in the first session (refer to older post) and do it in a mind-map form for further investigation purpose.
In this session, we were required to create 100 links based on the topic we've chosen.

We chose "Festival" as our topic in this session.
We've created many links that is related to "Festival", such as the types of festival and the impact of having Festival.

However, we were unable to complete the mind map on time at the beginning of this session,
We found it difficult because we were lack of ideas to create linkage to Festival.
Due to that, each of our members will have to do more research on this topic at home.
Besides, we also had a group discussion on this topic after class on the next day.

Therefore, it took us 2 days to complete our mind map.

The 100 ideas

Today we were asked to generate 100 issues that are significance in the society by our Business Research lecturer, Mr Stephen Ong during the tutorial class. 
We found it very interesting because it was our first experience to brainstorm 100 issues within a specified time set by Mr Stephen.   

Each of the team members were asked to contribute their ideas and write it down in the mahjong paper provided by Mr Stephen.
As you see from the picture, we've generated a lot of "why" issues on the mahjong paper.
Most of the issues we wrote in it were started off with the word of "why". So, our team were given a name of "Why Why group" by Mr Stephen.
Therefore, we decided to use "Why Why group" as our team name.

Guess what? We've successfully generated 103 ideas in this brainstorming session! 
We were quite satisfied with our outcome. We never expect that we can actually hit more than 100 ideas at first.
That's how we ended today's tutorial session with joy. =)

Saturday 27 October 2012

Welcome to our blog!

Hi all! Welcome to our blog! We are year 1 students of Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management at TAR College. Our group is currently doing a research on "Teenage Pregnancy" for our college assignment. The purpose of this blog is to address our progress of the assignment. There are more post to come soon! let's support us! :)

Group Leander: 
Lim Yuan Ting

 Group members:
 Tan Chun Lim 
 Woo Yee Lin 
Ng Pui Yin